Monthly Archives: June 2012

What’s The Best Way To Learn How To Play Guitar?

In my opinion the best way to learn guitar is to go to a guitar teacher. There are many of them registered here if you’d like to visit and check it out

Your tutor should provide you with a structured plan of lessons for getting you to where you want to be on guitar. Make sure you think about the musical direction you’d like to take before the 1st meeting as they’ll more than likely want to know about what your ambitions for guitar actually are.

It’s amazing how many students I would get to my own private practice that had really never thought about this obvious thing at all. Just check out guitar play along dvd here.

Sometimes it can happen that you’ll come across a bad teacher – this is typically someone who may be able to play well but doesn’t have any talent for teaching or communicating how to play guitar. Your first lesson should also be your last with them!

Look for someone who is a decent player but perhaps more importantly, really does know how to explain and present information to you. You’ll make much faster progress with this kind of guitar tutor.

Spanish Style Guitar Lessons

Once you learn how to play basic guitar i.e. strumming and chord changes then you’ll find that you have enough to go and specialize into other styles of guitar. The five most popular styles in acoustic guitar are

  1. Flamenco/Spanish guitar
  2. Blues Guitar
  3. Finger style
  4. Country
  5. Classical

There’s a nice site here with some free flamenco guitar lessons if you’d like to give it a try. Just make sure that you only make this step forward when your skills on guitar are ready for it!