Monthly Archives: November 2011

Learn To Play 2 Classic Beginner Guitar Songs

Most beginners find that they are able to learn the typical beginner guitar chords in Spanish guitar lessons with relative ease. After all, it’s really just a matter of memorizing where each finger goes. Soon after you’ll probably get around to learning a few strums and then the next step is to put both your chords and strumming patterns together.

So far so good.

Aside from being able to connect your chords together smoothly while strumming the first really big challenge will come when you attempt to play your first songs on guitar. This unfortunately is where most people fall down.

A classic mistake that many beginners make is to immediately try to play their favorite songs. They ignore the fact that these songs may be virtually impossible for them to do considering their current technical level on guitar and instead rush madly into trying to play them.

What happens? A week or so later they are completely frustrated at their lack of progress and have all but convinced themselves that they simply must not  have any talent for playing guitar.

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

With all of that in mind let’s look at how you really should go about taking guitar lessons and learning your first songs. It’s easy… just forget about what you’d like to play and instead concentrate of what is easiest to play. That’s how you’ll make some measurable progress, trust me.

The first song I’d like you to try is below, it’s a classic beginner tune called “Stand By Me” by Ben E. King. Here’s a youtube video to help you through it.

Know Any Christmas Songs?

The second video this series is here, at time of posting it’s just before Christmas so I hope you’re reading this with enough time to get practicing some easy Christmas guitar songs!